Mob: 07958 034820
To Promote the Religion and Religious Philosophy of Spiritualism as based on the Seven Principles.
A very warm welcome to our website. We offer you these pages to learn all about our church and to help you gain an understanding of Spiritualism and the ways that we can all work with Spirit.
We hope that you will enjoy the content and that it opens your mind to want to find out more. Our church is open to anyone who wishes to enter and we welcome everyone.
Our work with Spirit is considered experimental but perfectly natural, and we connect with who we really are.
“Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble” (Albert Einstein)
Thursday 7.45pm to 9.00pm
Sunday 6.45pm to 8.15pm
Each service includes songs to raise the energies, a time for healing thought, a reading, an address (Sunday only) and a demonstration of mediumship from a visiting medium. Our church is open to anyone who wishes to visit and we welcome all as friends.
Why not come along and see what we have to offer. Our services are always finished with an opportunity to sit down and have a chat and a cup of tea or coffee. If you wish to find out more about Spiritualism this is your chance, or just come for a friendly chat, we do not mind which but all are welcome.